Showing posts from March, 2014Show All

Did You Know....?

1. Your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about you. Wear nice shoes. 2. If you sit for more than 11 hours a day, there's a 50% chance you'll die within the next 3 years 3. There are at least 6 people in the world who look exactly like you…

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▶▶▶▶▶▶ List of Indian Missiles ◀◀◀◀◀◀

1. Prithvi-I (SS-150)(Range: 150 km, Payload: 1000 kg, User: Army) 2. Prithvi-II (SS-250)(Range: 250 km - 350 km, Payload: 500 kg - 1000 kg, User: Air Force, Army) 3. Prithvi-III (SS-350)(Range: 350 km - 600 km, Payload: 250 kg - 500 kg, User: Army, Air Force, Navy) 4…

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GK Quiz for All Exams

1. Which Asian river is sometimes referred to as ‘The Road to Mandalay’? ▶Answer: Irrawaddy (Myanmar) 2. Where is the headquarters of the Transparency International? ▶Answer: Berlin (Germany) 3. Which international organization was founded by Peter Eigen? ▶Answer: Tra…

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* Who is the founder of Agra? - Sikander Lodi * Who founded the city of Siri? - Alauddin Khilji * The city of Allahabad was founded by: - Akbar * The city of Jahanpanah was founded by: - Muhammad Bin Tughlaq * The founder of Kolkata: - Job Charnok * Who founded A…

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~ ~ ~ Imp GK Information on Solar System ~ ~ ~

1. The brightest planet as seen from Earth — Venus 2. The planet also known as Earth’s twin — Venus 3. The planet, which rotates in a direction opposite to that of others — Venus 4. The planet, which has prominent rings around it — Saturn 5. Planets which have no sate…

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Taglines of Important Banks

1] Allahabad Bank : A tradition of trust 2] Andhra Bank : For all your needs 3] Bank of Baroda : India's International bank 4] Bank of India : Relationships beyond Banking 5] Bank of Maharastra : One Family one bank 6] Canara Bank : Together we can 7] Corporation …

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Important Sports Venue

1. 2012 Olympics is held at - London 2. Venue of 2016 Olympics - Rio de Genero (Brazil) 3. Venue of 2014 Winter Olympics - Sochi (Russia) 4. 2012 Summer Paralympics is held at - London 5. Venue of 2016 Summer Paralympics - Rio de Genero (Brazil) 6. Venue of 2014 Winte…

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1. The first person to use the word geography was – Erastosthenes (276 – 194 BC) 2. The First presented the India on the world map – Tolmie 3. 10 latitude give the separation of  – 111 kms 4. 10 Longitude is equal to – 4” (minutes) 5. The Closest capital to tropic can…

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Some Basic Facts About India

1. Smallest state (Area) = Goa 2. Smallest state (population) = Sikkim 3. Most literate union Territory = Lakshadweep 4. Smallest Union Territory = Lakshadweep 5. Biggest hotel = Oberoi Sheraton (Mumbai) 6. Highest award (civilian) = Bharat Ratna 7. Highest Gallantry …

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★ Important Days in January ★

1. Army Corsp Establishment Day - January 1 2. Infant Protection Day - January 7 3. African National Congress Foundation Day - January 8 4. NRI Day -January 9 5. National Youth Day - January 12 6. Army Day - January 15 7. International Custom Duty Day, Indian Tourism …

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Importan Questions Based on Reserve Bank of India

1. When did Reserve Bank of  India (RBI) formed? Answer: 1935 april 1 2. When did Reserve Bank of  India (RBI) Nationalised ? Answer: 1949 3. Where was the first Headquarters of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) ? Answer: Kolkata 4. When did the Headquarters of Reserve Bank…

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~ ~ Indian Railway Zones and their Headquarters ~ ~

1. Northern Railway--Delhi  2. North Eastern Railway--Gorakhpur  3. Northeast Frontier Railway--Maligaon(Guwahati)  4. Eastern Railway--Kolkata  5. South Eastern Railway--Kolkata  6. South Central Railway--Secunderabad  7. Southern Railway--chennai  8. Central Railway…

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• Father of Microscopy - Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek • Father of Western Medicine - Hippocrates • Father of Internet - Vint Cerf • Father of the American Constitution - James Madison • Father of the Indian Constitution - Dr. B.R. Ambedkar • Father of Humanism - Fr…

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Top 10 people who changed the world

1. Bill Gates : Bill Gates created his first computer program while still at high school, co-founded Microsoft in 1977, and by 1993 was the richest man on Earth. In 2000 Gates and his wife formed the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, which is the largest charity in…

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****Basic concepts of Computer language..*****

1) The code for a Web page is written using Hypertext Markup language 2) The first computers were programmed using Machine language 3) A filename is a unique name that you give to a file of in formation 4) This can be another word for program software 5) Any data …

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• Room leading into a large room-------------------------- Anteroom • Room with toilet facilities-------------------- -------------- Lavatory • School for infants and children---------------------- ----- Kindergarten • Seat on elephant’s back--------------------------…

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