G.K Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam | 28-3-2016 | 3rd Shift

1) Thomas Cup Related to ?

Answer: Badminton

2) Dadasaheb phalke award 2015

Answer: Sashi Kapur

3) Colour Of octopus blood?

Answer: Blue

4) Other name of chanakya?

Answer: Kautilya, vishnu guptha

5) 2014 miss universe?

Answer: Palunana vega (Colombiya)

6) which metal is noble?

Answer: Gold

7) Who has given Droncharya award 2015?

Answer: Naval Singh, Anup singh, Harbans singh, Swatantar raj,Singh nihar Ameen

8) Elephanta Caves Situated in ?

Answer: Raigad (Dist) Maharastra

9) Biggest Mammal?

Answer: Blue whale

10) Who invented bramh samaj?

Answer: Raj Ram Mohan Rai

11) Rial is currency of which country?

Answer: Soudi Arabia

12) Which river originates from western ghat?

Answer: Kaveri

13) which city of Australia densely populated

Answer: Sydney

14) Other name of chanakya?

Answer:Vishnu gupta, Kautilya

15) Earths water cycle powered by?

Answer: Sun

16) Energy of sun by which process?

Answer: Nuclear fusion

17) 20 equinox means?

Answer: 20 Faces

18) Father of rabindra nath Tagore ?

Answer: Debendranath tagore

19) Titanic belongs to which country?

Answer: UK And Ireland

20) Indian Institute of science situated at?

Answer: Bangalore

21) Current Chief Justice India?

Answer: T. S. Thakur

22) Oscar for best animated feature film 2015?

Answer: Big Hero 6

23) New name of Bharatpur National Park?

Answer: Keoladeo Ghana National Park

24.real currecncy of which country?

Answer: Brazil

25.Ongc hq?


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