Rainfall and Its Types
Rain is the most common form of
precipitation. When minute droplets of water are condensed from water
vapour in the atmosphere on to nuclei, they may float in the atmosphere
as clouds. If the droplets coalesce, they will form larger drops which
will be enough to overcome by gravity and will fall as RAIN to the
surface of the earth.
There are three main types of rainfall
It occurs when moist air, having been
warmed by Conduction from a heated surface, expands, rises and is
adiabatically cooled to the Dew Point. Cumulus clouds develop and may
fall accompanied by Thunder.Convectional rainfall occurs commonly during
the afternoon near the equator, due to high temperature and high
This type of rainfall occurs when air is
forced to ascend the side of a mountain range. When land barriers such
as mountain ranges, hilly regions or even escarpments of plateaus lie in
the path of prevailing winds, large portion of the atmospheric air is
forced to rise above these barriers. This resultant precipitation is
termed as orographic. Because the air has deposited on the windward side
of the mountain, there will normally less rainfall on the leeward side
which is known as Rain Shadow Area

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